What’s Ngrams you might be asking? If you don’t know, don’t feel bad. I didn’t know what it was either…until I had the pleasure of listening to Iona Wishaw’s Crime Writers of Canada webinar on historical research. Iona writes the Lane Winslow historic mystery series and while she had a number of great tips, there was one that I’ll use over and over again: Ngrams.

Here’s how it works:

Go to https://books.google.com/ngrams

Replace the pre-filled text (Albert Einstein, Sherlock Holmes,Frankenstein) with the expression of your choice. The example Iona gave was “Cannot wrap my head around that.” It’s definitely an expression we use today, but when did it start?

According to Ngrams, it peaked in popularity in 2019. An interesting bit of trivia, yes, but it also serves as a reminder NOT to use that expression if your book is set in 1995. You can thank me now 🙂 And maybe check out Iona’s fabulous series while you’re at it.